Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Creativity and Intelligence

This guy has great ideas, but I think he just scattered thoughts. For me it doesn’t have sense his speech. Despite of that, he talked about the intelligence which is a complex cognitive progress and has many ways: we think in silence, movements, we think in abstract, etc. Another characteristic is dynamic and wonderful. It has the possibility to interact with different ways of thinking. As a result; we have a cognitive process as the creativity is capacity to have original values ideas. For example, Women can do many things at the same tame, like care kids, make call phones and cook

In our culture head is the main part of body. The brain and exercising and “feeding” with materials like math, science. That it is good but not enough. The school cheers to get the victory. But it is essence of human being to make mistakes and we are not prepared to be wrong. It is work of the creativity to exit or resolve problems.

For instance he mentioned a case that a girl move her feet at class. People around her though, she was sick, but she just has the talent to dance. It is an art that few people encourage. We have doctors, lawyer, scientific like superheroes. However, people who can do things with their body like music, dance, paint, etc. are really strange. And the ability of imagination is not support at all. If we don’t imagine at all, human raze will disappear, as a consequence of the climate change and the ozone layer. Our job as society and adults it is help us and Give children the tools to improve our world

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My academic days

I knew this University on the Television advertisement. Four guys talked about the free expression, be like you are, the teachers don’t obligate to do anything you don’t want, and we are going to work for a better country. This speech called my attention: an institution very solid, which foments your thought, the critical thinking and respect of diversity. However, I found a defect: it is a Catholic University. I went during my entire primary and secondary at a nun school, as a result I was totally disappointed about the ideas that spread the Church. But finally, I decided to make balance and I searched a lot before to belong at this University. Besides, education in Chile is not good enough I realized Alberto Hurtado in many ranking was in the top of many aspect like education, teacher, library, to mention but a few.

I wanted to be a layer and the first day that I visited the University, it was to matriculate in Law. The time was passing and I figured out how I forgot my dream of whole life: to be a teacher. I remember how admired at my Spanish Teacher at school. She was very strict. But I never will forget her advices, values and the most important things she taught us how to be a better person. I really like to be like her. Nevertheless, I love English and I was completely sure that I can change the education with a point in the sand. I’ve always hated mediocrity and our idiosyncrasy has it like a main characteristic. I really hope my students don’t be lazy and at lest, I will try to incorporate them the hard work.

My favorite subject in this career was written expression, is very similar at Spanish at school but more academic. I really like it; overall we must read good books, take attention in redaction, punctuation, and all that kind of things.

My experience in the University could be more positive. Actually I had the idea I will found people interesting in the knowledge, cult, with a mature point of view about many aspects, and good readers. On the other hand, I met people with another interesting in the life many of them are still teenager in the way of see the life. But it is OK. It is part of diversity. Moreover, the teachers in UAH are pretty good. They have many studies, even PH.D that gives a plus at the institution and confirm that my decision wasn’t wrong.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Not forget to visit the following pages:



I´m just imppressed how I was wasting my time on Internet! I love those sites! They will be like my spiritual guides :D I can improve all my skills, such as: listening, reading, writting and conversation. It is not easy at all to keep our attention when you learn a new language. However, I found many videos and podcats which have the script available to following the pronounciation. This is the best part of the class today. I am really happy `cause I was a little bit desesperate, due to I was wondering in what way can I improve completely my grades at University. However, I guess that I have found the real solution :D