It is really weird that a woman play footfall, in place on tennis or golf, and almost anybody is concern to it. This news call my attention, for the simply reason that so few women practice a rude sport like football. There is no doubt that, in our occidental world many actions which any human being could do or make correspond to any specific sex. For example, to play with dulls, play video games, watching basketball match, to name but a few. This is stereotype vision is not exception in our country.
I just can’t believe that women football was news just to the fact that a girl had an argument with another in a game. It is pretty common that these kinds of situations appear in a match. Despite her good job as a football player, Elizabeth Lambert of the University of New Mexico was suspended after a fight where she yanked the ponytail and hit a member of the against team. Obviously, she loss her temper (I am not giving a justification for her behavior), after all the scandal she claimed that was so regretful.
As the coacher of the United Stated men’s national team said “let’s be fair, there have been worse incidents in games than that. I think we are somewhat sexist in our opinion of sport. I think maybe people are alarmed to see a woman do that, but men do a hell of a of a lot worse things. Was it good behavior? No, but because it’s coming from a woman, they made it a headline.” That is right, I totally agree with him, it is not a question of gender, all the world can loss control wherever. The question here is: why people are not interesting in women football and just women scandals is issue of news?
I just can stand it! It is almost like she beyond than the fact to be woman. They can do more things, not just the unfair cultural imposition to be mother and care children or cooking meal. In our social context, we don’t allow women to be involved in that kind of behavior. There would be very repulsive. I think it is a question of machismo that it could be result in plenty XXI century.
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